

Option 1. here

Option 2. – Check out module under tree: BIRN/gridsphere/srbportlets_2_0


  1. So far portlets have only been tested under the GridSphere portal framework available at http://www.gridsphere using GridSphere version 2.1.5 & 2.2.9
  2. The GridPortlets provide support for credential management using the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) and can be obtained from

The srbportlets have been tested with GridPortlets 1.3 & 1.4

Configuration & Installation

After downloading srbportlets distribution, please unpack in the gridsphere/projects directory. You should have a directory structure that looks similar to the following:

  1. Configure various SRB parameters in the srbportlets/WEB-INF/PortletServices.xml file.
    1. Configuring param names and values for SRBConfigService   
      1. HOME_DIR_PREFIX sometimes begin with the zone if you use Federated SRB. (i.e. /birnzone/home) Ask your SRB administrator what is the complete path to a user's home directory. For example, in our SRB environment a user's complete home collection is /home/rmanansala.ucsd-bcc therefore, HOME_DIR_PREFIX = /home
      2. The same is true for TRASH_DIR_PREFIX variable. It should be prepended with the ZONE name if you use federated SRB.
      3. All the parameter names which begins with PROJADMIN_ are optional.  These SRB account is required  if you are using the collaborations portlets in conjunction with srbportlets. The SRB PROJADMIN account manages the creation, deletion, and file permissions to a collaborative project collections.
      4. All the rest of the paramter names and values are required including the SRB ADMIN password.
      5. server.dn   You got to change this to your own SERVER DN.
    2. Configuring parameter names and values for DatabaseService
      1. Optional. You can take this service off.
      2. Use this if you have multiple SRB domains and default storage.
      3. This is used to access the Gpop table which contains  one-to-one mapping of each User attribute "user.mdasdomain" with its appropriate default SRB storage.
    3. Configuring Launcher Plugins
      1. The SRBFileBrowser portlet provides the capabilities to launch  Java Web Start tools associated with a selected file. By default, ImageJ, JViewer, and 3D slicer are visualization and analysis tools used in the BIRN project These tools and any others can be be configured by editing the srbportlets/WEB-INF/plugins.xml file. New plugin implementations should extend from BasePlugin class and implement the Plugin interface. Please have a look at the existing tools in the srbportlets/src/net/birn/services/plugin/tools directory.
  2. Configuring SRB domain and resources.
    1. If your SRB environment only has one domain and one default storage then you just need to update two parameters in the SRBConfigService in the PortletServices.xml configuration file.  Fill out the parameter        names for SRB_DEFAULT_DOMAIN and SRB_DEFAULT_STORAGE with the your SRB domain and default storage values, respectively. 
    2. Future work will provide a way to configure multiple domains and resources and provide a portlet interface to map users to corresponding domains.
  3. Deploy the srbportlets by issuing the ant command: %> ant install just as you would with other portlet projects.

Errors & Troubleshooting

If you experience problems, please subscribe to the mailing lists and ask for help! :-)

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