CROWD - a Single Sign-on (SSO) application that speaks AD, LDAP, OpenID, etc.
CONFLUENCE - the wiki you're using now
FISHEYE - Web browse your CVS code
CRUCIBLE - Code Review
JIRA - Bug Tracking and Problem Reporting
IDE Support (Eclipse and InteliJ)
BAMBOO - continuous development integration testing
CLOVER - Code Coverage Analysis

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ATLASSIAN - general info on all Atlassian applications

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CROWD - a Single Sign-on (SSO) application that speaks AD, LDAP, OpenID, etc.

CONFLUENCE - the wiki you're using now

FISHEYE - Web browse your CVS code

CRUCIBLE - Code Review

JIRA - Bug Tracking and Problem Reporting

IDE Support (Eclipse and InteliJ)

BAMBOO - continuous development integration testing

CLOVER - Code Coverage Analysis

Clover is generaly used with bamboo, althought it can also be intergrated with several IDEs or other development environments.

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