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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

The GIS query interface can help you visualize CAMERA sampling efforts on a map and then select samples of interest based on some environmental criteria. Here‚Äôs Here’s an example of making such a selection. In this case we‚Äôll we’ll find all the samples that are on the continental shelf in a certain exclusive economic zone:

  • Click the ‚ÄúGIS Query‚Äù “GIS Query” tab.
  • In the ‚ÄúElevation “Elevation at sample site (ETOPO)‚Äù section, enter -150 in the minimum text box and 0 in the maximum text box. This will restrict the selected samples to those where the reported elevation is between -150 m and 0 m (a rough approximation of the continental shelf).
  • Click the ‚ÄúUpdate‚Äù “Update” button. The map will change to reflect the samples on the continental shelf.
  • Now we‚Äôll we’ll add a selection based on a region. Choose ‚ÄúEEZs “EEZs (Country)‚Äù from the ‚ÄúRegion‚Äù “Region” drop down.
  • Choose ‚ÄúUnited “United States Exclusive Economic Zone‚Äù Zone” from the new drop down that appears. Note that the map updates and highlights the region in red.
  • Now let‚Äôs let’s add another restriction based on the depth of the sample. Let‚Äôs Let’s say we‚Äôre we’re only interested in samples taken just below the ocean surface. In the ‚ÄúSample Depth‚Äù “Sample Depth” section enter 0 in the minimum text box and 3 in the maximum text box. This will further restrict the samples to those taken between 0 and 3 meters below sea level.
  • Click the ‚ÄúUpdate‚Äù “Update” button. The map will change to reflect the new criteria.
  • Now you can work with a subset of this data. The table below the map shows a tabular view of the samples on the map. You can click on the project name or the sample name to get more detailed information and access to auxiliary data. You can also click the ‚ÄúExport‚Äù “Export” button to download the sequences related to the samples you‚Äôve you’ve selected.
  • Click the ‚ÄúClear‚Äù “Clear” button to start fresh with your own criteria.