Download iRODs clients here .
iRODS Explorer (Windows only)
The download is a self contained exe so there is no set up.
i-Commands (Linux)
Code Block |
If you want to calculate and record the checksum for a file (e.g. after the iphymv and after the irsync), the syntax is: ichksum -a -r <collection> If you update a file and need to refresh the checksum stored in iRODS, the syntax is: ichksum -a -r -f <collection|file> If you ever want to verify that the data on the disk is unchanged from when it was iphymv'd and/or irsync'd, the syntax is: ichksum -a -r -K <collection> if the data is unchanged, the output looks like this: [l_vrowley@ccdb-irods ~]$ ichksum -K place_holder.txt place_holder.txt 9f6e7e2bdab39a088cce8744eb782531 if the data has been changed/corrupted, the output looks like this: [l_vrowley@ccdb-irods ~]$ ichksum -K place_holder.txt ERROR: chksumDataObjUtil: rcDataObjChksum error for /telescience/home/CCDB_DATA_USER.portal/vrowley/rawdata/place_holder.txt status = -314000 USER_CHKSUM_MISMATCH ERROR: chksumUtil: chksum error for /telescience/home/CCDB_DATA_USER.portal/vrowley/rawdata/place_holder.txt, status = -314000 status = -314000 USER_CHKSUM_MISMATCH |