Transformation service API supports access to several online digital atlases for example ABA, EMAP, Waxholm, and UCSD. Each service contains a set of spatial translations that support coordinate transformations between the WHS space and the coordinate spaces used by individual atlases (including conversions between WHS and ABA voxel space, ABA reference plates, AGEA, and Paxinos/Watson reference plates.) In addition, each service can expose atlas-specific functionality. This API is in the beta version.
Java 1.4 or more recent
Step 1: Install Java 1.4 or more recent.
Step2: Download the file from here Unzip the files into a directory and copy them into the desired development environment. The main important one is “spatialatlas-client.jar” following few supporting ones.
Step 3: Please click on this link ( Services/Documentation/index.html?net/birn/components/incf/INCFWebserviceClient.html ) to access the documentation for this API with an example of how to use it.