

Java 1.4 or more recent


2D ImageServer Java API supports requesting 2D images or 2D image fragments from ESRI’s ArcIMS Server and the open source Minnesota MapServer, taking as input the image server address, respective service name, and image fragment coordinates. The software is down loadable as a single jar file with few supporting jar files from the open source community. It is intended to be incorporated in a client application. In order to request images from Image Servers, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1:Install Java 1.4 or more recent.

Step 2: Download the file from here Unzip the files into a directory and copy them into the desired development environment. The main important one is “spatialatlas-client.jar” following few supporting ones.

Step 3: Please click on this link( Image Server/Documentation/net/birn/components/spatialatlas/spatialclient/SpatialAtlasWebserviceClient.html) to access the documentation for this API with an example of how to use it.

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